
Urban Design

When designing the physical features of municipalities, regional spaces, and local land uses, its important to consider the big picture issues. Our planners collaborate with municipalities, stakeholders and the public to identify key social, economic, cultural and environmental concerns. With this knowledge, we optimize the landscape for public use and balance with the environment.

Graphic Design

Information is good when clearly written. It is far better when the right amount of graphics are applied to illuminate points being made. Our professionals work with content originators and designers to understand the key elements of each drawing, presentation or document to assure the final product has visual continuity, highly descriptive imagery and user friendliness.

3-D Video Animations

Our high-definition, 3D video, fly-through animations show what your project will look like in its intended setting in realistic detail. These work well when seeking to portray the feel of the finished project.

Color Sketches & Augmented Reality

Depending on the realism preferred, we can produce visualizations that range from full color sketches to virtual attributes overlain in photos of real world settings.

Hand Drawn Renderings

Hand drawn renderings can capture your audience’s imagination and bring excitement into dull structural imagery. Our rendering specialists consider your project and it’s real world setting and use them in imaginative ways to increase interest.

Signage & Wayfinding

Signage is an extension of your project site or property’s identity. Our specialists collaborate with each client to ascertain their property layout, important places, paths and walkways, brand and identity to develop signage that relevant, easy to understand, identity consistent, interesting and highly informative.