Real Estate & Land -Development

Our professionals have helped private firms, local governments, corporations, banks, and insurance companies in their efforts to develop, redevelop, upgrade, finance and transact properties. Open the icons below to explore the projects that our professionals have served.


Environmental conditions of commercial sites vary based on what is sold. For example: a gasoline station will have different environmental concerns than a clothing store. Our commercial projects have included retail stores and shopping centers, high-rise office buildings, dry-cleaners, gasoline stations, and medical facilities. Our professionals have provided environmental impact assessment, environmental site assessment, and technical studies for these uses.


Some states require an environmental impacts review for development of residential subdivisions. Our residential projects have ranged from executive style single-family residences to multi-family affordable housing projects by municipal housing authorities. We have provided planning studies, design guidance, environmental impact reviews, technical studies, permit packages, and public involvement for these uses.


Industry demands necessitate changes to existing and new industrial properties. Our services facilitate funding, acquisition and permitting for upgrades, expansion and new builds. Our industrial projects have included locomotive and rail car factories, truck assembly plants, and machine shops in the United States and Europe. We have provided environmental site assessment and technical studies for these uses.

Mixed Use

With the rise of ride sharing, micro-mobility and transit oriented development, mixed use projects are a growing trend. Our mixed use projects have included single and multi-family residential, commercial, recreational, and medical uses in the same land space. Our professionals have provided environmental impact assessment, feasibility studies and planning research for these uses.


The communications industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few decades and we have been there with it. Our communications projects have included new antenna sites and collocations within existing antenna arrays. Our professionals have provided environmental site assessment and planning research for these uses.


The process of converting a former land use to a new one is complex. We have provided several clients with assistance to transform non- or under-performing land uses into new and vibrant ones. Our redevelopment projects have included former petroleum storage and distribution properties, manufacturing sites, military and transportation uses, and infill properties. Our professionals have provided environmental site assessment and technical studies for these uses

Land Development

Unbuilt land presents a myriad of possible development types and configurations. Rice helps project proponents determine the developmental opportunities and constraints. We identify regulatory, physical and environmental concerns to be addressed to help optimize each project area.