
Public Participation

Having a competent public involvement partner on your team can harmonize competing interests and optimize meeting outcomes. We collaborate with local agencies, stakeholders, and the public to define and address their concerns, and gain support for your project.

Visioning & Strategic Planning

We hold intensive workshops in which stakeholders and project proponents are brought together to strategize project issues and agree on mutually beneficial solutions. We also hold focused project team meetings, project planning meetings, brainstorming sessions, and visioning events.

Corridor Planning

Whether regional highway or local pathway, our planning professionals collaborate with project proponents and the public to establish a vision for each corridor. Our corridor studies assure that traffic, alternative transportation modes, economic, demographic, social and land use concerns are addressed, and recommendations are supported by effective implementation measures.

Transit Planning & TOD

Augmenting an existing transit system with well designed transit oriented developments (TOD) optimize system effectivity. Our professionals have keen understanding of interconnected bus, passenger rail, light rail and streetcar systems in domestic and international settings, and know how to plan vibrant, connected and highly livable TODs.

Master Planning

Our professionals develop a solid understand of each planning area’s geographic, environmental, socioeconomic, cultural, circulatory and historic context. With these ingredients and an keen knowledge of proven approaches, we develop master plans that promote each area’s unique character, ensure cultural and socioeconomic diversity, support investment, and enhance livability.

Feasibility Studies

We prepare feasibility studies for transportation, civil, and building projects, and programmatic changes. Each study analyzes design opportunities and constraints, regulatory compliance, social and environmental aspects, costs, schedule, and benefits. We recommend our feasibility studies to inform the planning process.

Healthy Communities

We enjoy working with local, municipal, county and rural planning organizations to discover the opportunities within their jurisdictions to develop healthy community infrastructure. We then assist clients in preparing feasible implementation measures, and build support with land owners that are in the proposed improvement areas.