Privacy Policy

Edition 1 - November 2023

The following discussion is our Privacy Policy. It explains how we collect, use and protect your information that you may share with us. By using our website, you expressly agree and consent to this policy. Therefore, please read this policy carefully.

Information We Collect

Web Form Information - Rice collects personal information from you only when you complete the, “What Would You Like Our Help With?” feature (form) on this website. This includes your name, email address, and telephone number. Information provided by you is for the purpose of responding to your questions, initiating discussion and fulfilling requests for further information about our services. If you provide project information in the form, we will use that information for discussions between you and our firm, and will not share it with any other parties, unless we are given your consent.

URL and IP Information - We may also collect your Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which is also referred to as your web address, and your Internet Protocol (IP) address for website analysis, but you will remain anonymous. This number is identified and logged automatically whenever you visit the site, along with the time, date and pages you visited.

Aggregate User and Tracking Information - This information provides Rice with insights on how visitors use our web site. This data is anonymous and does not contain any personally identifiable information. We use this information so that we may focus our website, emails, and marketing in a manner that appeals most to our visitors and clients.

Google Analytics - We may use Google Analytics. Google may use web beacons, cookies and other technologies to actively collect or passively receive information from our website to provide ads and other services. You may download and install the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On to prevent your information from being used by Google Analytics. For more information on Google Analytics, please review their Analytics Overview and Privacy Policy.

Website Cookies - Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer. We them to allow the Rice website the ability to recognize the pages you’ve visited, and to gather information about our website’s traffic and interactions. We then use this information to optimize the user friendliness and performance of our website. Our site can still be accessed without the use of cookies. However, some of its functionality will be diminished. You may disable the use of cookies through your browser by following the instructions under your help function.

Storage and Processing of Collected Information

The information that we collect, store and process for use is stored in our local server in Cary, North Carolina and may be stored by our web hosting company at their location in Los Angeles, California.  As of the date of this version of our Privacy Policy, Rice does not store information outside of the United States, and our web hosting company has not informed our company of their doing so.  By submitting your information, you agree to this transfer, storing, and/or processing.

How We Use Collected Information

We will use your personal data to: 1). respond to your questions and provide you with information regarding our services; 2). Notify you about our services that may be of interest to you; 3) notify you of changes to our services and efforts to keep our web site safe; and 4.) measure our website’s effectiveness.

Sharing Your Information with Third Parties - We will not sell, lend, or otherwise release your information to third parties. If you are a visitor, prospect or client in the European Union, we will only use your information for our marketing purposes that are applicable to your region, and will do so in accordance with applicable laws, and only with your consent. Your consent is assumed if you fill out our website form (see above).

Sharing Your Information with Partners and Service Providers - We may share personal information with partners and service providers that work on Rice’s behalf for the purposes discussed herein. These entities may include the companies that assist us in marketing, host our website, and analyze data. These entities may use your personal information to perform their work, but may not use your personal information for any other purpose. These entities will be required to comply with our confidentiality requirements.

We may allow the use of your information as part of a company transaction - We may allow the use of your personal information as part of a company transaction. However, the use thereof will be done in compliance with this privacy policy. We may allow the use of your personal information if we have suitable evidence of the need to do so for the following reasons: compliance with applicable laws and requests from verified governmental authorities; to protect our clients from spam, fraud and other criminal offenses; to protect Rice’s, our employees’, site users’, or the public’s rights, security, safety, property, business, interests, and privacy; actions related to litigation.

Protection of Information

Rice has implemented reasonable physical, operational and electronic procedures to protect information that is shared on our company’s website from unauthorized access or disclosure. No electronic information is completely secure. Therefore, Rice expressly disclaims any ability or obligation to do so.

Withdrawing Your Consent

You may withdraw your consent for us to use your information at any time by contacting us via email at

Links to Other Websites

As of the date of this version of our privacy policy, Rice has not included links to other websites in our company’s website.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Rice reserves the right to update our company’s privacy policy at any time. In the event of an update, the edition number at the top of the page will be changed and the update date will be noted. Your use of our company’s website constitutes your acceptance of the updated privacy policy’s terms, conditions and contents.

Age Limitation

Rice does not knowingly collect or process information from anyone under the age of eighteen. If we discover that we have inadvertently collected or received information from anyone under eighteen without parental consent, we will delete that information. Should you have reason to believe that such information has been collected by our firm, please contact us and we will find and delete it.


By your completion of any form on our company’s website, you warrant: that you have read our company’s privacy policy; you are a person at least eighteen (18) years of age; you have the right to submit the information that have provided; and the information that you submit is true and accurate. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, then do not provide your information to our company. If you provide your information without agreeing with our company’s privacy policy, Rice is automatically relieved of any obligations.

Contacting Us Regarding This Privacy Policy

If you would like to contact us regarding this privacy policy, you may reach us at