
No two manufacturing sites are alike. The final products dictate the processes and substances used. Also, different companies have varying degrees of environmental hygiene. Our professionals have provided services on properties with years of environmental affect, and on properties that were relatively unaffected. In each case, we provided comprehensive and reliable reviews of environmental conditions for each client’s decision making. Open the icons below to view the projects that our professionals have served.

Light Industrial

Light industrial uses often occupy leased properties, and include manufacturing processes with more localized environmental affects than heavy industry. Our light industrial projects have included small machine shops, light manufacturers, and dry cleaners. Our professionals have provided environmental site assessment for these uses.

Heavy Industrial

Heavy industrial uses typically own their properties, and have the potential to include more sources of environmental affects over wider areas. Our heavy industrial projects have included locomotive and freight car manufacturing facilities, mills, appliance factories, and truck assembly plants. Our professionals have provided environmental site assessment for these uses.

Maintenance Facilities

Maintenance facilities come in all shapes and sizes depending what they are used to maintain. Our maintenance facility projects have included rail yards, municipal maintenance facilities, and garages for emergency response vehicles. Our professionals have provided environmental site assessment and technical studies for these uses.

Waste Facilities & Landfills

Waste Facilities and Landfills include planning, design and environmental considerations that are found in very few other land uses. Our waste facility and landfill projects have included planning, design and environmental analysis for public infrastructure development at landfill margins, landfill capacity increases, technical studies for solid waste transport, transfer and processing, and technical studies for air quality, methane and odor control.