
It’s All About Perspective

An ancient proverb tells the story of six blind men who touched different parts of an elephant and then described to each other what the elephant was based on the part they felt. They concluded that the elephant was a snake, a spear, a tree, a fan, a wall, and a rope. The point is, depending on our perspectives, we understand the same thing differently, and this applies to the planning, design and environmental professions.

For this reason, we share information about the planning, design and environmental professions. We prepare modules and other modes of information and post them on this page. We would like to hear your feedback on the information shared here. Contact us at

The American Environmental Industry Presentation Series

The American Environmental Industry Presentation Series starts with the conditions and events that caused a rise in American environmental awareness, and ends with a synopsis of current environmental subindustries. To view each video presentation, open the images below.

The Cause

In The Cause, we present the history of North American environmental concerns, the situations that caused growth in the American environmental consciousness, and the initial steps of the private and government sectors to address the concerns.

The Effect

In The Effect, we present a brief recap of the previous module, a timeline of key environmental events leading up to intervention, the manner in which the United States government responded, and discuss legislation and implementation measures.

The Rise of the Industry

In The Rise of the Industry, we present a timeline of the environmental industry as compared to other industries, such as engineering, architecture and construction. We also provide insight to the various environmental subindustries that arose as a result of the 1970’s and later legislation, including: enforcement, engineering, planning, science, and health and safety.