
NEPA Studies (CE,EA & EIS)

Our experience in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental analysis and documentation goes back to the 1990’s. We’ve analyzed and prepared NEPA documents on projects ranging from single sites under two acres to transportation facilities over 700 miles long.

SEPA Studies (MCDC, EA & EIR)

Many states have their own Environmental Policy Acts, informally referred to as SEPA. The SEPA environmental analysis and documents that we have prepared range from brief Minimum Criteria Determination Checklists (MCDC) to large Environmental Impact Reports (EIR).

Indirect & Cumulative Effects

Indirect and cumulative effects analysis is required under NEPA and most SEPAs, and many states have their own guidance on how to perform it. Our professionals have prepared environmental documents in 20 of the United States, and are familiar with their unique approaches.

Community Studies

Community studies are an excellent way to inform project teams on the environmental attributes of an area. Our professionals thoroughly review the project area and then prepare detailed analysis of existing conditions, potential impacts, and mitigation recommendations.

Characterizing property environmental conditions prior to purchase avoids acquiring liability. Our professionals have performed Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in the United States and Europe on sites that ranged from minor affects to highly contaminated for several years.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Property Transaction Screens

In some cases, a review of property deeds and property relevant documents can indicate the potential for environmental contamination. Very often Property Transaction Screens are used as a first step, to indicate the need for further review such as a Phase I ESA.

Individual Technical Studies

Our individual technical studies cover a range of concerns and can be customized based on the concern to be analyzed. Our professionals have reviewed and analyzed visual resources, air quality, hazards, flooding, soils, social conditions, economics, environmental justice and land use, just to name a few.