
Our professionals have provided planning, design and environmental services under North American and European Union environmental policies, as well as industry specific guidance, such as ASTM and ISO. We have also assisted nations as they transitioned from their former national environmental standards to those of the European Union. In the process, we have helped them improve their social, economic and environmental conditions.


Aging petroleum infrastructure is prone to product release and environmental contamination. Our petroleum projects have included extraction sites, tank farms and smaller storage facilities, metering facilities, routing stations, and pipelines. We have also provided our services for the reclamation of former petroleum extraction and storage sites for reuse. Our professionals have provided environmental site assessment and technical studies on these uses.

Transit & Rail

In some of the nations that our professionals have served, rail is the prevailing mode of transportation outside of urban areas. In North America, rail is re-emerging as a preferred transportation mode between urban areas. Our rail projects have included freight rail, passenger rail, locomotive manufacturing, and rail yards. Our professionals provided environmental site assessment and technical studies for these uses.

Banking & Finance

Banks want to know the level of risk associated with the loans they finance. The more comprehensive the risk analysis, the greater the chance of finalizing a loan. Our professionals have provided environmental site assessments to characterize property risks and assist banks in their finance and refinance decisions.


Surface and subterranean mining operations appear benign until you understand the implications of releasing mined materials and their by-products into the environment. Our mining projects have included oil mines and their related facilities. Our professionals have provided environmental assessment of these uses to aid in their community environmental cleanup.


Depending on the approach, agricultural land uses can be environmentally friendly or environmentally unfriendly. Also, adjacent and nearby land uses can have significant environmental effects on agricultural lands. Our projects in this regard have included environmental and hydrological assessment of contaminated agricultural lands from onside and offsite operations.